Water, Utilities and Other Services

Water is available to all lots (June 1 – November 30) but may not operate at urban standards. During the winter months the water is shut down due to freezing, and general repairs can often take much longer than in towns and cities. You should also be aware that this is a high desert area and is susceptible to drought. LREPOA does has a Drought Response Plan which can be viewed here.  Our latest Drinking Water Source Protection (DWSP) Plan for Well #2 can be reviewed here.

Telephone communications can be a problem, especially in the mountainous areas. Land lines are not available and cellular service does not work in all areas.

Electric services fees usually consist of a one-time hook-up fee and thereafter your monthly usage bill. You may also have to pay the cost of running a line from the main trunk line to your property. It is important to know all costs before making a decision to purchase a specific piece of property. If you have special power requirements, it is important to know what level of service can be provided to your property. Rocky Mountain Power provides electrical services to Lake Rockport Estates.

Power outages are a fact of rural living and may be frequent and lengthy. An outage will turn off your freezers, refrigerators, heat source, computers, water pumps, etc.

There is no natural gas service to the mountain. Propane and wood is the main source of heat.

Curbside trash pick-up is not available in Lake Rockport Estates. Dumpsters have been provided near the gate area, and you are responsible for depositing your waste there. Construction debris may not be deposited in the dumpsters. You are responsible for hauling all construction waste to the land fill.

There are also recycle bins by the dumpsters. Please NO glass or plastic bags. And please break down boxes to limit the bins from overflowing.

Vegetation waste (trees, brush, etc.) can be dropped off in the pile north of the dumpsters. This pile is burned off during the winter.

Sewer service is not available. You will need to use a Summit County approved on-site septic system. The results of your percolation test and the steepness of the slopes will determine if a septic tank may be installed on your property and where it must be located. Contact Summit County Health Department for their septic system requirements.

Mail is not delivered to each lot. To receive mail, you must either have a USPS Post Office Box or arrange for one of the cluster boxes down at the gate area through the Association.

FedEx and UPS deliveries cannot be delivered to your home. The Association provides a package shed to members in good-standing who complete a package shed agreement and pay the one-time $60 fee.