Mountain News

Here you will find the latest mountain activity–what’s going on and what’s coming up.  You’ll find information on water, road, fire safety and other topics–as well as our twice-yearly newsletters.

If there are other areas you would like to be kept up on, please let us know at


There is currently no fire danger to report.


For an update on the water project of 2018 – 2019, please see the 2019 Summer Newsletter below.

4/21/19: Back flows need to be in place by Monday, April 29 as inspections will begin. Inspections are the first step in getting our water system up and running for the summer. Here are the other steps, Alan, our Mountain Manager, needs to complete: 

  1. Inspect (and repair as needed) all water facilities including the well, well pumps, pump to waste, booster station, booster pumps, top tank and top tank pumps.
  2. Inspect (and repair as needed) all distribution lines, air relief valves, and PRV’s including 2018 new lines, meters, hydrants, and PRV’s.
  3. Identify and remove any cross connection risks.
  4. Correct sanitary survey defects discovered during inspection by the Division of Drinking Water.
  5. Drain tanks and aerate.
  6. Flush well system into waste.
  7. Close system including all drains, hydrants, and air valves.
  8. Read and shut off all water meters.
  9. Test, adjust, and synchronize radios and computers at the well, booster station, and top tank.
  10. Fill water system with a strong chlorine cleaning solution and soak.
  11. Open all drains, hydrants, and air valves and flush system.
  12. Close all drains, hydrants, and air valves and refill system.
  13. Collect investigative water samples for total Coliform and E. coli and submit to Summit County.
  14. Test and certify all back flow devices.
  15. Lock out water meters not in compliance.
  16. Submit start up process and all test results from the County to the State Division of Drinking Water.
  17. After approval from State (Department of Drinking Water), system can be open for use
  18. Notify residence that it’s safe to turn on meters, stop and waste, and back flows.
  19. Water is on and available.
  20. Repair any leaks as needed.

11/21/18: With the upcoming forecasted storm, it is suggested to avoid Rockport Blvd in the construction areas whenever possible. The roads will be slippery and narrow in places. Crews are working on getting the roads open the best that they can for the storm while still working on getting the water back on. Please drive slow and be careful.

11/19/18: The week of 11/19/18 the contractors will be finishing up with new line connections, fire hydrant installs (10), pressurizing and testing the new pipes, baking the new pipes with chlorine, and testing the water system for bacteria count. Once the tests come back from Summit County they will be able to cross over to the new system and start installing the new service connections (25). Hopefully sometime during the week of 11/26/18 water will be back on to the front side of the mountain. There will be three individual crews working in different areas of the project at the same time so continue being careful of men and equipment in the road and expect possible short delays. Hopefully the weather continues to hold off so we don’t experience any changes in the plans.


There are currently no updates.


2023 Winter

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2021 Winter

2020 Winter

2020 Summer

2019 Winter

2019 Summer

2018 Spring

2018 Winter

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